Risky Couples Card Game Thought-Provoking Conversations Card Board Game For Date Night Anniversaries Text or drink
15 €
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- Card games provide endless entertainment time for grown-up.
- Material & Fine Workmanship: Use great-quality production, which is fine workmanship and wear-resistant. Strictly control product quality and specifications during production.
- Suitable for couples at Valentine’s Day parties: This card game is perfect for couples to play together on Valentine’s Day or at parties, adding fun and romantic elements to this occasion.
- Perfect Couple Drinking Game: This game aims to enhance the intimate relationship between you and your partner.
- Very suitable for couples aged 18 and above: hoping to improve intimate relationships and establish deeper connections. Looking forward to a burst of laughter and joy.
Additional information
Dimensions | 100 × 100 × 50 cm |
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