Remote Control Car 4CH Remote Control Off-road Vehicle Model Toys Birthday Gifts For Boys Girls Aged 3+ blue
18 €
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- Versatile Remote Control Car: This car can move forward, backward, turn left, turn right, and climb over obstacles, with added lights for a dynamic driving experience, offering multiple styles to suit every preference.
- Robust and Durable Design: Crafted from great-quality materials, this car boasts strong toughness and excellent resistance to falls, ensuring long-lasting durability during rough play.
- Topography Ready: Equipped with collision-resistant front and rear protective frames, this car is suitable for challenging road conditions, providing stability and performance on terrains.
- Superior Tire Performance: Featuring wide rubber tires with full elasticity and strong cushioning abilities, this car can navigate complex terrains smoothly and efficiently, enhancing the overall driving experience.
- Steering Control: Fine-tune the direction of the remote control car with ease by adjusting the left and right turns at the bottom of the car, ensuring optimal steering sensitivity and straight-line driving capabilities.
Additional information
Dimensions | 160 × 100 × 120 cm |
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