Panda Plush Doll Cute Panda With Bamboo Stuffed Animal Plush Toys For Boys Girls Birthday Gifts Collection 35cm
20 €
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- Adorably Cute Design: These plush toys feature a cute design that is both skin-friendly and soft, providing a comfortable and snuggly experience.
- Quality Craftsmanship: With fine stitching that ensures no sharp edges, these plush toys are both cute and vivid in appearance, making them safe and enjoyable to play with.
- Material Safety Guaranteed: Made from safe materials, these plush toys maintain their shape and softness even when squeezed, offering durability and peace of mind during use.
- Comfort and Durability: Offering a blend of cute design, gift suitability, quality stitching, and material safety, these plush toys provide comfort, joy, and lasting enjoyment for all ages.
- Perfect Gift Choice: Ideal for gifting to loved ones, best friends, and children, these plush toys are sure to bring smiles and joy to those who receive them.
Additional information
Dimensions | 370 × 200 × 130 cm |
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