P05 Wireless Transparent RGB Video Gamepads Game Controller Joystick Handles For Playback On Multiple Platforms Black Crack
28 €
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- Cool Black Technology transparent breathing handle: The carefully designed internal circuit is high-tech at a glance. Handles for playback on multiple platforms;
- You can also have fun with game simulator, classic games, stable support for all simulators, MFI game mode, local mode, without decryption package;
- Creative haptic version releases skill action: provides a new game experience and interaction mode, supports sliding drag and drop, multi-point input and other methods;
- With 3.5mm headphone jack: there is a 3.5mm headphone jack at the bottom of the controller, once the sound effect inside the phone is eliminated, you can enjoy game and immerse yourself in game;
- The six-axis gyroscope automatically enters game state: high-precision fine adjustment of body sensation, fast and accurate in FPS games. Lock on the target. In racing games, he had a sense of control over direction;
Additional information
Dimensions | 180 × 130 × 20 cm |
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