Hedgehog Board Game Learning Counting Matching Fine Motor Skill Sorting Sensory Toys For Boys Girls Gifts Hedgehog Games
26 €
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- The hedgehog board game toy set includes two dice, 120 small sticks, and a hedgehog board. Players can roll dice to determine the number of sticks to put/remove from the hedgehog board.
- This hedgehog board is made of natural wood and child safety paint. This is an excellent gift for boys and girls over 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years old.
- This hedgehog board game can help them develop basic concepts such as counting, sorting, and matching.
- Hedgehog board games can exercise children’s attention and hands-on abilities to grab small sticks, train fine motor skills, and strengthen brain thinking training. It is also a perfect travel and learning toy.
- This hedgehog board game features a duel mode where 2-4 children compete simultaneously, filling the holes on the board, or taking turns playing with dice and stacking counts. The player who fills the gap first wins.
Additional information
Dimensions | 320 × 310 × 40 cm |
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