Beauty Massager for Face and Neck, Electric Face Lifting Firming Chin Vibration Massager
28 €
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- Precision Facial Fit: Designed to match facial contours, this device can be adjusted to fit different face shapes for personalized skincare.
- User-Friendly Operation: Featuring an intuitive remote interface, this device offers easy and straightforward operation for convenient use.
- Hassle-Free Charging: Enjoy the convenience of easy charging, ensuring that you never run out of power when using this facial care device.
- Blue Light Treatment: Incorporating blue light technology, this device helps cleanse and rejuvenate the skin for a brighter and clearer complexion.
- Portable and Stylish: With a compact and foldable design, this device is both adorable and easy to carry, allowing for on-the-go skincare maintenance.
Additional information
Dimensions | 250 × 220 × 60 cm |
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