7 Egg Incubators for Hatching Eggs, Intelligent Egg Incubator with Temperature Control
32 €
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- –Customizable Temperature Control: This egg incubator offers easy temperature adjustment, allowing you to quickly set the internal temperature to your desired level for optimal hatching conditions.
- –User-Friendly Design: Compact, lightweight, and energy-efficient, this chicken egg incubator is easy to use and durable, ensuring proper insulation and a reasonable thermal cycle for successful hatchings.
- –360u00b0 Viewing Experience: Breaking away from tradition, this chicken incubator features a visually engaging 360-degree design that enables viewers to observe the entire hatching process from all angles.
- –Interactive Egg Flipping: With a manual egg flipping function, this incubator provides a hands-on and educational experience for you and your child to enjoy observing the fascinating process of chick birth.
- –Ideal for Home Use: Perfect for household research, this small-capacity egg incubator is user-friendly and suitable for hatching eggs regardless of your level of experience, making it a practical and accessible tool for enthusiasts.
Additional information
Dimensions | 190 × 190 × 180 cm |
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